The Rehearsal Club is delighted by your interest in becoming a member. We are striving to build a stronghold of performing arts lovers who embrace the struggle of young female performers and believe in the values of our mission. We hope you will participate in TRC journey to preserve our legacy while building our future with your skills, experience and participation during our amazing growth. As a wholly volunteer organization we rely on our members for all kinds of support!
To become a member, complete the following application and send in your annual dues payment of $50. You will be advised of your acceptance. Membership dues are for the calendar year 2025.
Membership benefits include free or reduced admission to events, performances, workshops, newsletters, special occasions, and program mentions. Most important of all, you are supporting the future of deserving, talented women. Thank you!
To get started, please answer the following to help us get to know you better:
Applications will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and confirmed by email. The term of membership will be for each calendar year from January 1st until December 31st.
Any questions?